Saturday, June 6, 2009


One year later, I have learned to be more sustainable and responsible with my money. Unfortunately I have a lot of debt.

So, I sat down and combed through my bank and credit card statements and monthly bills. I was very honest in what I spend on things. The result? Annually, I spend almost $6,000 more than I take in.

The scary part is that I thought I was being frugal.

Over were the days of extravagance during student loan refund check-driven law school. Yet, still I am short each month. Sure, I put some to savings and pay over the minimum on my credit card, but I'm disappointed that I'm not even close to breaking even.

Part of the problem is that I'm on the lower end of the salary scale for attorneys. The bright side is that I'm not an attorney. The down side is that I have the student loan debt of one. I'm not willing to work at a job I don't want for more money, so until one comes along that I like and happens to pay more, I'm stuck with my current income. I don't have a family to provide for, so I think I'm allowed to be picky in my career choices.

So - I'm bringing the blog back! Starting tomorrow (Sunday being the first day of the week) I will again log my daily expenses, regardless of how trivial. Hopefully this will rein in any unnecessary spending.

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