Friday, May 9, 2008


Hey! I spent some money today. I needed groceries and cat litter so I found my backpack and walked to the local Safeway. It's fast how little groceries you can fit in a backpack and a shoulder bag. Especially when you have to carry a really heavy box of cat litter. Anyway, I spent $45.07 at the grocery store.

Work was, well work. While at the grocery store I picked up some work-friendly fruit snacks because I bought Skittles again today ($0.85). The problem is that my job is incredibly boring so I need something to break up the monotony and I'm simply not interested in the banana chips and soy nuts I have in my desk. I also spent $0.50 on coffee. I try to drink mostly tea but the coffee pot (and the snack table) is next to my cube. So it's really too convenient. The snack table is dangerous because someone is also bringing something tasty in and the tasty snacks are mere feet from my desk. Not good. It was nice this afternoon so I only rode the bus home part of the way. I then walked the remaining 20 heels. My feet hurt but it was a nice walk.

No plans for this Friday night as I have to be downtown by 6:30 tomorrow morning to volunteer in the registration tent at the Oregon Humane Society Doggie Dash. Come check it out!

Total spent: $46.42

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