Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Nearing the end of this blogging experience.

I think I'll keep it up, however not on a daily basis. Maybe it's because I'm still accustomed to school, but I've found that I fare better with "official" challenges than just attempts to do better. June's challenge? Eating healthier, fresher, and smarter. I intend to check out local food co-ops and maybe even attempt COOKING for myself. I actually did tonight: I marinated some tofu strips in soy sauce, fried them, then put them on a bun and ate it like a BBQ sandwich. Actually, it was pretty tasty. Tofu is a superfood: it goes in any dish, it soaks up the flavor of whatever you cook it with, and its healthy. I also intend to eat more fresh foods (including vegetables) and limit my processed food intake. All of course while maintaining my sustainable lifestyle.
So, in sum, June's Sustainability Goals:
1) Shop at Local Food Co-ops and Farmers' Markets
2) Buy vegetables!
3) No junk food!
4) No pop (or soda if you can't handle "pop")!
This will be a challenge because Safeway is close, cheap, and accessible and buying fresh and buying local can be a bit spendy. However, I think it balances out as long as you cut out the unnecessary junk food and learn to be creative with the ingredients you have. I don't think I'll be able to cut out Safeway completely, but I'll check into it.

Today I picked up breakfast at Plaid Pantry and spent $5.30, then spent $1.00 on coffee at work. I'm hoping tomorrow's vet visit isn't too expensive. More importantly, I hope that Sheba only has an infection or at least something easily treatable. I've made myself sick with worry about her. I wish I'd taken her to the vet when I was in Kansas or at least before it progressed to this point. Hopefully I'll know more tomorrow.

I listed my car on Craig's List and put some "For Sale" signs on it. I don't use it and I need the money, so it's time to get rid of it. Unfortunately I'm not the only in Portland trying to sell a car, so it may take awhile.

Total spent: $6.30

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