Saturday, May 31, 2008


Sheba was formally diagnosed with feline diabetes so we returned to the Vet clinic and I learned how to administer insulin and what to feed her, what to watch for, etc. She is now on a special diet (Hill's Prescription Diet w/d Feline) and the Vet actually wants her to lose another pound or more. She thinks that if we get Sheba's insulin regulated and weight regulated, there is a chance Sheba could actually overcome diabetes. The insulin is pretty easy to administer - a small dose (with a tiny needle and syringe) twice daily: 6am and 6pm. I hope she starts to feel better soon.
Cost (food, insulin, syringes, office visit): $127.90

At work I spent $0.50 on coffee. After work I spent $1.00 on a doughnut at the opening of the new Voodoo Doughnut in NE PDX. There was even a donut march from the current store downtown, over the Burnside Bridge to the new store. We were 10 minutes late and somehow missed the march completely. Who knew Voodoo Doughnut organizers were so punctual. We reached the new store just as the drum group was finishing and then joined the giant line for doughnuts.

Total spent: $128.90

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Adrienne and I are like the same person. Looks like we'll both be blogging about food in June. THE MADNESS CONTINUES.

I took Sheba to the Vet this afternoon. This cost $202.80 ($45.00 for the exam, $141.90 for lab tests, $14.95 to draw blood, $0.95 to dispose of bio hazard waste, and $0.00 for tender love and care (although I think that was included in the exam fee)). I used this vet last summer when I lived here, and while it's now a bit out of my way (I had to DRIVE...and to the neighborhood I used to live in...) but I really like the vets there and the staff is really nice. I will know for certain tomorrow when the lab results come back, but my vet is almost certain Sheba is diabetic. This means I will likely have to return tomorrow so that they can teach me how to administer insulin. This is actually good news because he said in a few weeks she should be back to her old self again -- or at least not drinking and urinating all the time.

I ate some pop tarts and drank 3 cups of coffee this morning at work: $2.50.

I checked more into the food coop store here in Portland - People's - and I think I'll check it out this weekend.

Total spent: $205.30

Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Nearing the end of this blogging experience.

I think I'll keep it up, however not on a daily basis. Maybe it's because I'm still accustomed to school, but I've found that I fare better with "official" challenges than just attempts to do better. June's challenge? Eating healthier, fresher, and smarter. I intend to check out local food co-ops and maybe even attempt COOKING for myself. I actually did tonight: I marinated some tofu strips in soy sauce, fried them, then put them on a bun and ate it like a BBQ sandwich. Actually, it was pretty tasty. Tofu is a superfood: it goes in any dish, it soaks up the flavor of whatever you cook it with, and its healthy. I also intend to eat more fresh foods (including vegetables) and limit my processed food intake. All of course while maintaining my sustainable lifestyle.
So, in sum, June's Sustainability Goals:
1) Shop at Local Food Co-ops and Farmers' Markets
2) Buy vegetables!
3) No junk food!
4) No pop (or soda if you can't handle "pop")!
This will be a challenge because Safeway is close, cheap, and accessible and buying fresh and buying local can be a bit spendy. However, I think it balances out as long as you cut out the unnecessary junk food and learn to be creative with the ingredients you have. I don't think I'll be able to cut out Safeway completely, but I'll check into it.

Today I picked up breakfast at Plaid Pantry and spent $5.30, then spent $1.00 on coffee at work. I'm hoping tomorrow's vet visit isn't too expensive. More importantly, I hope that Sheba only has an infection or at least something easily treatable. I've made myself sick with worry about her. I wish I'd taken her to the vet when I was in Kansas or at least before it progressed to this point. Hopefully I'll know more tomorrow.

I listed my car on Craig's List and put some "For Sale" signs on it. I don't use it and I need the money, so it's time to get rid of it. Unfortunately I'm not the only in Portland trying to sell a car, so it may take awhile.

Total spent: $6.30

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I spent $2.25 on coffee and pop tarts at work this morning.

I will be spending quite a bit of money at the Vet on Thursday. There is something wrong with Sheba and I think it is related to her kidneys or bladder. Either way, she has been drinking an unusual amount of water for the past couple of months and I've noticed weight loss -- but not in her stomach. In the past couple of weeks she has urinated on herself as if she simply cannot hold it in or get up, and now has mobility problems. She can only walk a short distance and can no longer jump up on furniture. It's quite painful for me to watch my beloved Sheba and not know what is wrong. I thought at first she was just adjusting to Wink (my Boston Terrier who flew here from Kansas in March) or that maybe it had something to do with age (she's seven), but I realize now she has the signs of kidney disease or something similar. This morning she again messed on herself, and I knew I needed to call the Vet. Her appointment is Thursday afternoon so hopefully we will know more then. Fingers crossed and happy thoughts for Sheba!

Total spent: $2.25

Monday, May 26, 2008


I didn't spent any money today.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today was supposed to be a cheap day. I had even intended to only spend $0 today. It rained most of the day, so hiking was out. Instead Adam and I finished watching some DVDs I'd checked out from the library. Despite being a seemingly lazy day, it was an expensive day. Expensive because I paid for some necessary costs: prescription re-fills and a plane ticket to Des Moines. Oh, and various snacks. I spent $16.37 on snacking alone (P.S.: Golden Oreos suck). Food will be an issue of discussion when I have more energy.

The refills were $62 (my new health insurance doesn't kick in until June 1st. I will rant about the U.S. health care system also when I have more energy. Spoiler: I don't like it.) and the plane ticket was $330 (inc. fees). About the plane ticket: my friend Emily is getting married in Iowa in August. Not only am I her personal attendant, but also I am her friend and it will be a Drake Law it is worth the expense. I was going to wait for my economic stimulus check to book a flight, but the plane tickets have been fluctuating so drastically lately and with the high price of oil, I decided to buy as soon as they were back down in my range.

Total spent: $408.37. Unnecessary snacks were $16.37 of that. I need to re-evaluate my snack costs. Another post...


Saturday was supposed to be a great day to go on this 18 mile hike down the Salmonberry River near the Coast. The entire hike is train tracks and the reason it would be 18 miles is because it's an out-and-back and I really want to hike the 9 miles from the trailhead to Enright, a small ghost town accessible only by hiking in. I was going to channel my inner Woody Guthrie and hike on down the tracks. But no. The weather report Friday night said it was supposed to rain Saturday afternoon. No good for a full day hike. But of course, Saturday ended up being a beautiful day (until around 8 when we were hit with a thunderstorm). Sunday is rainy and gloomy so I think I'll just clean. Boring.

Yesterday morning Wink and I walked to the NW Healthy Pets store to pick up some new cat litter for Sheba. Sheba is having some problems with the litter box, and with life in general as of late. Note: if anyone knows anything about cats who suddenly walk like raccoons, let me know. So we picked up a bag of Nature's Miracle, an alternative to clay that boasted high clumping abilities. I've tried natural kitty litters before, and they never clump as well as clay, but with Nature's Miracle I think I've found my new litter. It clumps well, it smells great, and Sheba isn't tracking it around. I'm sold. At the pet store I also picked up more biodegradable doggie bags for Wink. Total: $23.98

For lunch Adam and I decided to take the bus downtown to Saturday Market. Adam spent his cash on a new wallet (he seriously needed one) so I bought lunch at the Jalisco Natural Foods stand - we both had tasty quesadillas and later an elephant ear. Total: $15.00

After hanging out at the Waterfront Park and eating our food we boarded the bus to head home, but took a slight detour to Hawthorne Ave. because there was a secondhand store I wanted to check out (I am on the hunt for sundresses. I've discovered that they are the best thing to wear in the summer.). There we found mecca at the House of Vintage. It's huge and is part antique store, part vintage furniture store, part thrift shop. I picked up two dresses and a shirt for $24. Adam picked up a pair of shoes and a lamp for $35. I will return to this place.

To pay me back for lunch and have a friend to go with, Adam took me to the Iron Man movie. I'm not a fan of the comic book-turned-movie genre, with the maybe the exception of Batman, but Iron Man was okay. Mostly Robert Downey Jr. is just a good actor. With tickets, popcorn, and pop I think Adam spent close to $35. That's TWO people, one medium popcorn, two medium drinks, and one sub-par comic book movie. When I drag him to Sex and the City I'll wait until it comes out at the cheap theaters.

Total spent: $62.98

Friday, May 23, 2008



I spent $3.00 this morning at the cafeteria because I didn't have any cash or change for coffee and I forgot to bring tea bags to work and I needed something HOT and CAFFEINATED. So I bought a giant coffee and blueberry yogurt. I met my "mentor" for lunch (the Oregon Bar has a program where it pairs new lawyers with mentors) and had a tasty grilled portobello mushroom sandwich. My mentor is a really interesting person. He's done everything, been everywhere and offered some great insight into life and law. We also discussed the pitfalls of a legal education, namely the lack of employment opportunities and ridiculous amount of debt students today graduate with. He made a good point: law school should not be that expensive. A law school does not need labs, or chemicals, or expensive equipment. A law school also doesn't need sports programs or auditoriums or art supplies. A law school needs some rooms, chairs, books, and a few professors. Actually books aren't all that necessary -- Westlaw or Lexis will suffice. Instead, law schools are getting bigger and bigger and charging more and more and churning out more broke attorneys into an already over-saturated profession.

I'm done complaining. I would not change going to law school. I'm happy to have the degree, the education, and the experience. It's just the debt that's the problem...but that was partly my fault. While I had to take out a lot of student loans to cover books and tuition I also spent a great deal of student loan money on personal items, parties, trips, my DVD collection, clothes, stuff I thought I had to have. I wouldn't trade the memories and experiences (ie parties and trips) for anything...and my DVD collection is pretty sweet...but everything else - total waste. Students today live a life of luxury because we have all this money thrown at us and we think we'll have great, well-paying jobs when we get done with school and it'll all be fine. Life lessons.

ANYWAY, after work Wink and I walked to the library to turn in some cd's and pick up a DVD I had on hold. I walked to the grocery store to pick up some salad dressing and spent the entire trip thinking about all the cookies, chocolate, doughnuts, etc I wanted. When I arrived I remembered BERRIES! I love berries. I purchased my third carton of strawberries for the week, a carton of blackberries, and a bag of cherries. Cookie dough would have been cheaper, but my health thanks me. Spent $20.94.

Total spent: $23.00

Musical side note: While it's been out for awhile, I just can't get enough of the "Into the Wild" soundtrack by Eddie Vedder. Listen to it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Wednesday, May 22nd:
I missed yesterday because I was just too tired. I spent $0.50 on coffee at work. After work Wink and I walked to The Cat's Meow on Hawthorne to buy some new cat food for Sheba ($13.29). Last week I went cheap with the cat food and bought Sheba Purina. NEVER AGAIN. There are certain things that are okay to spend money on, and one of those things is good cat food. The Cat's Meow only recently started carrying cat food and they have Max Cat. Sheba's seven now so I picked a bag of the senior food. It's not Natural Balance, but I've fed Max before and it's good food.

Adam treated me to Thai for dinner. Again, we tried to hit up my favorite PDX Thai place (My Thai Bistro on SE Hawthorne) but again it was closed. Maybe they are only serving lunch now? I don't know but I need my good pad thai fix. Instead we walked to a different Thai place that we hadn't tried and I had high hopes for, but the pad thai was pretty *shrug*. It was too greasy and there was too much sauce. Also I think I've eaten my last egg yolk. Fried eggs (unless egg whites) are too much and make the dish too heavy.

Total spent: $13.79

Thursday, May 22nd:
My job is mind-numbingly boring. There's no stress, no responsibility...only hours of boredom. Today I succumbed and hit up the vending machine. Peanut butter M&Ms are delicious, but completely unnecessary. I wasn't even hungry! ($0.85)

I had a cup of coffee to stay awake. ($0.50)

And a side salad from the cafeteria simply because I was bored. ($2.80)

Also, my dad may not be so happy to learn that I bought a day internet pass so that I could check my email on my phone ($1.99). Someday maybe I'll have my own phone....and that someday may come a lot sooner if I keep checking my email on it at work (and then blogging about it). Tomorrow I'm just going to leave my phone at home.

Total spent: $3.30 (plus $1.99)

Political side note:
Oregon voted on Tuesday. Actually, Oregonians have been voting for the past two weeks because Oregon uses a mail-in (or hand-in if you're late enough) ballot. In the big races, I voted for Steve Novick but he lost to Jeff Merkley for a chance to challenge Republican Gordon Smith in the Fall. I voted for Commissioner Sam Adams for Mayor and he won! (Note: Adams is the first openly-gay mayor of a major U.S. city.) I voted for Hillary for President and she lost pretty bad to Obama (especially in Portland) but that is not a surprise. Hillary's still my gal, but I think after the primaries are over she should concede. Not to say that Montana, South Dakota, and Puerto Rico won't go her way but that's like 86 delegates. She would have to win all of their delegates and then almost 80% of the superdelegates to secure the nomination. And even that leaves Obama dangerously close behind. The fact is that neither of them will have enough votes, but the other fact is that states like Kentucky are not going to vote democrat in November anyway. I think that she should stay in through the rest of the primaries because 1) she's made it this far and 2) EVERYONE deserves to vote. I think she should drop the Michigan/Florida debacle - or at least Michigan UNLESS she is in support of a complete re-vote. Unless she sweeps the remaining primaries I think she concede before the convention. While historically the convention was where the candidates were chosen, it's not until July (or August? I don't even know) and campaigns last a lot longer and are a lot more expensive now. Campaigns are not very sustainable.

I also think we should have a national primary and the runner-up is automatically the Vice President, but that's just me.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


My job is beyond boring. I'm glad it's a summer gig or I'd go insane.

Of course, it's better than the alternative.

Anyway, I spent $2.50 on vending machine snacks and coffee while at work. After work I walked to the grocery store and spent $25.02 on food and most importantly, healthy work snacks. I washed and cut up strawberries tonight so that they will be easily accessible to pack in my lunch in the morning.

I found a cheap flight to Des Moines flying Northwest Airlines for my friend Emily's wedding in August. I didn't book it though -- I'm going to wait until I get my tax stimulus check so that I don't have to put it on my credit card.

Total spent: $27.52

Monday, May 19, 2008


Spent $2.80 on a side salad and chips in the cafeteria to supplement my lunch. Spent $0.50 on coffee. Rode the bus.

My job is really boring.

Total spent: $3.30

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Natural Living Part 1: Pets

I was having a conversation with a friend last night about sustainability and he made some excellent points about opening the flood gates and literally driving yourself crazy with all the things you need to change to lead a green lifestyle. It's true: being environmentally conscious means being conscious of every decision you make. Every cleaning product you use, laundry detergent, makeup you wear, the food you eat, etc. This even affects our pets: what kitty litter to buy, are doggie waste bags wasteful?, the food they eat, etc.

So I did a little research into pet products and found the following:

Kitty Litter. It's a must...obviously. Also obvious is that cats are pretty finicky about their litter. Sheba, for example, has to have a clean box with clay litter. She insists on it and in fact does some pretty passive aggressive things if she doesn't get her way. I've tried natural litters from time-to-time but without much luck because she simply prefers clay. But clay is a non-renewable resource that won't break down in landfills. After not having success with wheat and pine litters and doing a bit of research I am considering the World's Best Cat Litter. It's made out of corn and is clumping. However, it is expensive and according to some reviews is not very hard clumping. If that's the case then it's similar to wheat and pine and those are much more affordable. So perhaps I will try them again. Sheba needs to stop being so picky.

Cat Food / Dog Food. Wink and Sheba are both on a dry food diet. They both generally eat Iams, Max, or Science Diet. I read some articles in support of feeding your pets a raw diet. The idea is that pet foods today are overprocessed and unhealthy and a raw diet that more closely resembles what your pet's wild cousins eat is better for your pet. Interesting, but some studies show that it is incredibly unhealthy for pets...and I am not buying a chicken every other day for Wink and Sheba. I think that a natural dry food offers what I am looking for. Natural Balance pet food is sold in stores here and Sheba actually tried a bag once and seemed to like it.

Doggie Waste Bags. Cleaning up after your pet is part of being a responsible pet owner, and courteous to your neighbors. I already use biodegradable bags for Wink's waste but I discovered that I can do more: Wink's waste is 100% biodegradable and the bags are 100% biodegradable...but I throw them away with regular garbage and they may end up in an airlocked landfill, where the lack of air will diminish their ability to biodegrade. I discovered that these bags can be thrown in your compost pile, buried in your yard, or thrown out with yard debris. I further learned that:
If they are placed in an “open” or “turned” landfill they will decompose at a rate similar to other biodegradable materials in the same setting. If they are placed in an anaerobic (air-locked) landfill and deprived of oxygen and the existence of the micro-organisms that “eat” naturally biodegradable materials, their ability to decompose will be severely restricted. This is true of all biodegradable materials placed in this setting, including paper, yard waste and food waste.
So, it really depends on what kind off landfills there are in Portland. I briefly researched this but did not find an answer, but I trust that they are the good kind. This is Portland after all.


My friends came to visit this week so I spent more money than I otherwise would have...but WORTH IT for good life experiences.

Day 14 (Wednesday): Adrienne arrived at noon and Angie at midnight. I drove my car twice to pick both of them up from the airport. I spent $53.45 on groceries and pet stuff. Adam and Adrienne and I had a late lunch at Laughing Planet (there are only two in the country; coincidentally Bloomington and Portland) ($5.50). We enjoyed the rest of the day at Laurelhurst Park and Mt. Tabor Park and had some appetizers at a bar along the way for dinner.
Total spent: $58.95

Day 15 (Thursday): Awesome day. We ate some rolls for breakfast then packed a bag for a day of hiking in the Columbia River Gorge. We hiked Eagle Creek - a 12.5 mile out-and-back to Tunnel Falls. It was a perfect day for hiking and we saw some great waterfalls. After hiking we drove to Hood River and took the Mt. Hood scenic byway back to Portland. With no clouds hindering the view, Mt. Hood looked amazing. We stopped for gas and water ($39.79). Back in Portland, we made a frozen pizza for dinner and then went to The Pied Cow for drinks and hookah ($14.50).
Total spent: $54.25

Day 16 (Friday): Portland is usually not hot. Especially not in mid-May. However, this weekend was HOT HOT HOT. We joked that Angie brought the warm weather from West Palm Beach with her. We started the day with an amazing breakfast at Paradox Cafe. Paradox is one of my personal favorite places because not only is the food great, but they have lots of vegan and vegetarian options (I'm vegetarian). Also they use only locally produced organic food. Yum. After breakfast we drove to the Washington Park area to check out the view from Pittock Mansion. The view of the city and Cascades from the Mansion grounds is probably second only to that from an airplane. The Mansion, home of pioneers Henry and Georgiana Pittock, was completed in 1914. The Mansion remained in the family's possession until 1958 and was purchased by the City of Portland in 1964. Today visitors can tour the interior of the Mansion or picnic or just hang out on the grounds. After visiting we returned to my neighborhood and went shopping in the Hawthorne district and I DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING!! I have a new policy: I'm not buying new clothes - only used clothes (exceptions include: under garments, swim wear, jeans, and any necessary work clothes). With all of the cool vintage shops in Portland, there is no reason to waste the money and resources on new clothing. I did, however, buy a dish of ice cream at Ben & Jerry's ($3.50). I don't recommend the brownie cheesecake ice cream. Next time I'll stick with my tried and true half baked frozen yogurt.
After shopping and chilling in our hot, AC-free house (Portland is usually mild so many homes, apartments, and shops do not have air conditioning) we walked back to Hawthorne for dinner and drinks. We wanted Thai at My Thai Bistro (great pad thai and even better salad spring rolls) but it was closed so we had Vietnamese instead at Pho Van. I had a noodle dish. I've had better Vietnamese (in Garden City, Kansas - Pho Hoa) but it was good ($27.60). After dinner we met up with friends at The Back Stage for drinks, snacks, and card games ($44.25 minus $20).
Total spent: $55.35

Day 17 (Saturday): Another hot day in Oregon! Angie and Adrienne experienced public transit for the first time when we took the bus downtown for the Farmers' Market and Saturday Market. I bought some asparagus at the Farmers' Market ($3.50) and had lunch there as well ($4.50). We again boarded the bus and headed to Old Town for Saturday Market. On the way we stopped at Voodoo Doughnut and I bought Adrienne and Angie their respective birthday presents (mmmm...doughnuts ($7.00)). We ate our doughnuts in Waterfront Park then boarded the bus and headed back home. Adam and I drove (yes, drove) to the grocery store (hey it was 95 degrees) and bought stuff for our barbecue. We had people over and a good time grilling out. Maybe too good of a time...I spent $15.00 on SPARKS.
Total spent: $30

Day 18 (Sunday): Angie left in the wee hours of the morning to catch her 6am flight and I drove Adrienne to the airport at noon for her flight. I cleaned up the giant mess that we created last night and ate the rest of the potato salad.
Total spent: $0

Grand total: $198.58

I wish Adrienne and Angie were still here..... I already miss you guys!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

DAY THIRTEEN At work I spent $0.50 on coffee. I ate some soy nuts and cake for lunch. It was as boring as it sounds.

After work we did laundry so I drove my car to the laundromat and spent $10 on laundry. There is a closer laundromat that I could've walked to but I had a lot of laundry and I could not carry it all.


Total spent: $10.50

Monday, May 12, 2008


Went to work, came home. I actually did drive my car today - not to work though, to the Humane Society. The homeless cats needed me. If you like animals and have 12 hours a month you can spare (and you probably do) you should think about volunteering at your local animal shelter. Or volunteering for some cause that you care about. I was a Big Sister in college and it was a great experience. Part of being a sustainable person is thinking about how you can give back - whether by volunteering a few hours at an event, giving some change to your local homeless, or even just being friendly to people on the bus. The last one is especially hard for me....

Adrienne and Angie arrive on Wednesday and I am beside myself with excitement. I spent $0 today, but I expect that will change later this week...

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I started the day pretty early at Doggie Dash - a 2 mile run/walk fundraiser for the Oregon Humane Society. I'm a volunteer at OHS (I volunteer in the cattery) so I work at the events from time to time. Yesterday I volunteered in the registration tent. I was supposed to be there by 6:30am so I planned to board the 6:09 bus that stops in front of my house. Unfortunately it was a few minutes early and I was running late so I missed it. The next bus wasn't arriving until 6:32 so I had a choice: walk to another bus line, walk downtown, or drive. I refuse to drive downtown and pay to park when I already have a bus pass, and walking the entire trip would take too long, so I decided to walk to a different bus stop on a more frequent line. I hopped on the bus at 6:20 and was only a few minutes late. Using public transit can be a bit inconvenient but you simply have to be resourceful - and also need a general idea of the bus routes.

After Doggie Dash Adam and I spent the day cleaning and I did some laundry ($8). I only washed bedding and towels so I still need to do laundry at some point this week. The house was pretty dirty and we have guests coming this week (ADRIENNE & ANGIE!!). I spent $26.23 on some cleaning supplies and groceries. After cleaning we went to a going-away party for some friends of ours. Good times.

Today Adam and I ordered bread sticks from PIZZA HUT and walked the 1.2 miles to the closest Pizza Hut to pick them up ($8.78). Then I watched "Gone with the Wind." Again.

Total spent (weekend): $43.01

Friday, May 9, 2008


Hey! I spent some money today. I needed groceries and cat litter so I found my backpack and walked to the local Safeway. It's fast how little groceries you can fit in a backpack and a shoulder bag. Especially when you have to carry a really heavy box of cat litter. Anyway, I spent $45.07 at the grocery store.

Work was, well work. While at the grocery store I picked up some work-friendly fruit snacks because I bought Skittles again today ($0.85). The problem is that my job is incredibly boring so I need something to break up the monotony and I'm simply not interested in the banana chips and soy nuts I have in my desk. I also spent $0.50 on coffee. I try to drink mostly tea but the coffee pot (and the snack table) is next to my cube. So it's really too convenient. The snack table is dangerous because someone is also bringing something tasty in and the tasty snacks are mere feet from my desk. Not good. It was nice this afternoon so I only rode the bus home part of the way. I then walked the remaining 20 heels. My feet hurt but it was a nice walk.

No plans for this Friday night as I have to be downtown by 6:30 tomorrow morning to volunteer in the registration tent at the Oregon Humane Society Doggie Dash. Come check it out!

Total spent: $46.42

Thursday, May 8, 2008


My life is pretty boring. Today I rode the bus to work, then rode the MAX downtown to meet a local attorney for lunch, rode the MAX back to work, then took the bus home. I am BIG fan of public transit and highly recommend that others use it - if accessible. The annoying thing about taking the bus (well, there are plenty of annoying things: the smell and the other people who ride the bus to name two) is that you end up doing a lot of waiting. Luckily I live next to a stop for a frequent service bus, but sometimes I end up waiting for like 15 minutes outside my work. For example, today when I was downtown I had to wait around 15 minutes to catch the MAX. I think the key is to plan to leave work at a better time so I don't waste time by standing at the stop.

Why you should take public transit: it's cheaper than driving, it's better for the environment, AND if more people take public transit it makes it more cost effective for the city to offer good public transit!

Today I spent $1.00 on coffee and $.85 on Skittles (I needed them). I didn't bring my lunch because I met with an attorney (being new to Portland I've spent the past few months having lunch, coffee, and "informational interviews" with established members of the legal community. The attorneys I've met are wonderful - offering helpful advice and contacts). Anyway, we had a fabulous lunch at South Park - a little seafood place by the South Park Blocks. While I do not eat seafood, I did have a very tasty warm spinach salad. The thing that impressed me about the restaurant (aside from its food) was that they use only free-range chicken and try to use only local ingredients, including locally caught fish. Portland is a city full of independent book stores, restaurants, bars, and coffee shops. Supporting the local economy and independent business is very important to Portlanders. It's one of the many things I love about this city!

Total spent: $1.85

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Today I rode the bus to work...then I rode the bus home. I again packed my lunch for work and reused yesterday's sandwich bag (and will use it again tomorrow). Also I packed tons of tea so I didn't waste any money on coffee. I did spend $1.90 on juice and crackers though because my blood sugar dropped this afternoon and I needed some juice. I recycled the juice bottle!

Everyday when I get home Adam and Wink and I go on an "adventure" which is really just a fun way to run (actually WALK) errands and get some exercise. Today we walked to the grocery store to drop off a movie then we explored Division Street. I've said it before but walking to do errands is a great way to save the environment, money, and get some exercise. I honestly don't remember the last time I drove to the grocery store and it feels GREAT.

Total spent: $1.90

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Today I rode the bus to work and then I rode the bus home. While at work I spent $1.50 on coffee (why can't our coffee be free?!), but that's all I spent today. I feel like I waste a lot of paper at work, but we do print on both sides, and I know I'll waste less once I have a better feel for what I'm doing. I did have a sustainable lunch: fake turkey and cheese sandwich and an orange. I will use the sandwich bag again tomorrow and I've been drinking water out of a reused Vitamin Water bottle.

In re Fake Turkey: it's actually quite delicious. I've been a vegetarian since August 2006. My diet makes my carbon footprint somewhat smaller than my carnivore counterparts. According to the Environmental Defense Fund if every American had one meat-free meal per week, it would be the same as taking more than 5 million cars off our roads. Having one meat-free day per week would be the same as taking 8 million cars off American roads. I'm not advocating vegetarianism for everyone - my homeland's economy does depend on meat lovers - but I think its important to think about what we eat. Eating locally produced foods is one good way to cut emissions and support your local economy. Buy fresh, buy local!

Some facts regarding food and carbon emissions from the Environmental Defense Fund:

Portland-area farmers markets:

Kansas farmers markets:

Total spent today: $1.50

Monday, May 5, 2008


Today was my first day of work. So I actually EARNED money...

I packed a lunch for work, but didn't eat it because my floor had a Cinco de Mayo potluck lunch. So I snacked on some tasty treats instead of my PB&J sandwich. I spent $.50 on coffee (no, the federal government does not provide free coffee) but used my coffee mug so I did not waste a cup. I did use a paper plate and plastic fork at lunch though, but had really no other alternative.

I took the bus to work so the only time I drove my car today was when I drove Adam to the auto repair shop so that he could pick up his car. He's thinking about buying a bike to bike and take the MAX (train) to work and save on fuel. He works in a western suburb and has a crazy schedule so he actually can't take the bus and also it's too far to bike the entire way. He could, however, bike to the MAX station and take the train to work. Sometimes using public transit takes a bit of creativity.

For dinner I ate my PB&J sandwich and bought a box of cereal and a fountain drink (very healthy...I know) from the Plaid Pantry - spending $3.00. I really just wanted a slushie but they didn't have any.

Total spent: $3.50

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Today we finally got our hike in. The wonderful thing about Portland is that its really two cities: the city we know and love during the rainy months and then the glorious city that appears when the sun comes out. You learn to forget that it's cloudy for the nth day and even learn to live without an umbrella...but then finally the sun comes out and you remember what life is like without clouds. I like the rain though. The rains gives us the roses and lush plant life. Finally today the actual weather lived up to the forecast and we had no clouds and it was 70 degrees. So Wink and Adam and I made our way back to the Mt. Hood area and hiked along the Salmon River.

One thing I noticed was the amount of litter along the trail. I've never seen much trash when hiking, but also I've never really hiked in a campground before. This particular hike is entirely in the Mt. Hood National Forest and parts go through campgrounds so there are some fire pits. One in particular was littered with trash - aluminum foil, a half-burned beer box and bottle caps. Then along Salmon River Road we saw someone's complete trash from Quizno's lying on the ground. How anyone could come to such a beautiful place and just leave their trash on the road is beyond me...

The trailhead is about an hour from our house so I probably used about a quarter of a tank in fuel. On the way I filled up and spent $41.86. It's a Catch-22: to enjoy nature we have to destroy nature -- because there is no way to get to the area other than driving. We also stopped for a sandwich at Subway after the hike (and before another hike...but it was a failed hike. We attempted to go to Mirror Lake for an awesome view of Mt. Hood but there's still too much snow to go out without snow shoes). Fast food is pretty wasteful because of the packaging involved: napkins, paper and plastic bags but I saved the plastic bags to use for cat litter waste. (Point: me)

I also went grocery shopping this morning and picked up a shower curtain (I have guests coming next week - ADRIENNE & ANGIE!) and our shower curtain was a culture for new types of mold and algae. It was pretty gross. I did buy the cheapest shower curtain ($5.99) so no loss there. Total spent: $31.21. I also had to buy a bus pass for May which was $65. It's cheaper to buy the pass than spend $3.50 a day to ride the bus. Also using a pass is much more convenient than trying to also have $1.75 in exact change on you at all times. The bus is much cheaper than commuting to work by car because of 1) gas prices and 2) the cost of parking. Also it's better for the environment and traffic to use public transit.

Total spent: $138.07

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I voted today. Oregon (or at least the primary in Oregon) uses a mail-in ballot. Yes, I did vote for Hillary.

The weather was SUPPOSED to be nice today so my roommates and I found a good hike in my guide book (Salmon Creek in the Mt. Hood area if you're interested). However, we didn't bother to pinpoint exact directions so we ended up taking the long way. The long, scenic way through the Columbia River Gorge, then through Hood River and up and around Mt. Hood. It was a pretty impressive view despite the fog. Anyway, after stopping for a quick bite at the Zigzag Inn (along Hwy 26 - I recommend it) we completely missed the trailhead. So, because it was already 5pm and raining we continued on home. It was a nice drive, but we used a half a tank of gas. I'm hoping tomorrow to try the hike again (it's a 6.6 mile hike and supposed to have some sweet old growth forest and salmon in the creek in the fall and spring), but this time taking the direct, less fuel intensive route.

Total spent: $4 (chex mix) and a half a tank of gas.


First, some good news: I start work on Monday! Hooray! I've had the job for awhile, but was waiting on my security clearance.

Anyway, so Day Two went pretty well. I walked the twenty-three blocks to the post office to mail something I'd sold on ebay (so spent $4.60 on postage) and back again. A lot of people in Portland bike everywhere. I'd love to get a bike but I will have to get over my fear of bikes first. I haven't really ridden a bike since high school and that was in small town Kansas - certainly not an urban area! I enjoy walking. My Boston Terrier Wink and I walk everywhere: to the library, to the grocery store, to the park, to the post office...everywhere. The nice thing about Portland and where we live in Portland is that everything is very accessible by foot, bus, or bike. When I start work on Monday I will be taking the bus to work. Admittedly, when I first moved to Portland I was intimated by buses. I drove everywhere - including downtown which was ridiculous because of the cost of parking and of course fuel. Now I try to drive as little as possible which so far is once a week when I volunteer at the animal shelter (it's an hour bus ride and a 15 minute car drive).

Even if you don't live in an urban area try walking at least once a week. Thinking of my hometown Scott City as a good example: I could have easily walked to the post office, grocery store, and even work (well, if I worked in SC) at least once a week. It's great exercise and a good way to cut back on fuel usage. THINK ABOUT IT!

Day Two also had its irresponsible moments. My roommates and I decided to go to the Cinco de Mayo celebration downtown (a CARNIVAL!) so I spent $10.82 on beer (and breath mints) for our pre-party power hour. This is irresponsible because I certainly don't need beer to survive or really at all. However, I think part of this challenge is proving to myself - and others - that leading a sustainable lifestyle doesn't mean you don't get to have a life at all. We only live once so we may as well enjoy it - so, take vacations, have a drink, go to the movies.... But, at the same time keeping in mind the importance of not being completely wasteful. So, while I did spend some money on beer I did buy a cheap beer and we recycle. We also took the bus downtown ($1.75) and ended up passing on the carnival because it cost $8 just to get in! And in a public park nonetheless! However, later I did spend some money on some snacks I did not need ($7.00) and let my boyfriend spend money on some incredibly spicy french fries we didn't need.

On the plus side I now have Reeses Cups in my freezer...mmmmm

Total spent: $24.17

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Today my only expenditure was a few items and a prescription at the drug store - and all necessary purchases so I'm off to a good start. However, I did not use a reusable bag and instead used plastic bags.

Plastic bags, are of course, very bad. They were banned in San Francisco last year and I've heard rumors of the same happening in Portland. The plastic is not biodegradable and takes years to breakdown. According to data released by the Environmental Protection Agency in 2001 somewhere between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year.

I've always used plastic bags for my cat's litter box waste. So is there a better litter out there? Maybe a flushable kind? But then I discovered that present means of sewage treatment do not kill the T. Gondii parasite, which is carried in cat feces and can contribute to the ultimate deaths of sea otters. Well, I like sea otters...but I also like my cat and she (and I) both like a clean litter box. Solution? I'm going to continue to use plastic bags for her litter waste. Yes, plastic is bad but so is killing otters. We have lots of plastic bags around the house that can be reused for the cat like grocery bags and bread bags. So, I think the lesson learned is that it's best to use a reusable bag (like a cloth grocery bag) until you need to restock your plastic bag supply for the cat's litter box.

Total day's expenses: $46.66 (plus rent)


So, I'm broke. I also want to live a greener lifestyle and make my carbon footprint as small as possible. Using the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality as my guide (see: I've set out to be a better consumer, and hopefully learn how to manage my money better.

The challenge is this: for the month of May (so actually 31 days) I will publish a daily blog of what I spent my money on and how much money. Simply, I am hoping that making my financial decisions public will make me a more financially conscious consumer. Also during this month I will publish a daily blog of things I did that caused unnecessary pollution (hey - a girl's gotta eat!) or were socially irresponsible decisions. The hope here is that by making my actions public I will be a more environmentally conscious consumer. I also hope to learn more about being green, and will pass along tips to my friends and family.

So, I invite you to track my progress and challenge you to do the same. If we all do a little bit we can help eliminate our dependence on overconsumption of...well...everything!