Thursday, May 8, 2008


My life is pretty boring. Today I rode the bus to work, then rode the MAX downtown to meet a local attorney for lunch, rode the MAX back to work, then took the bus home. I am BIG fan of public transit and highly recommend that others use it - if accessible. The annoying thing about taking the bus (well, there are plenty of annoying things: the smell and the other people who ride the bus to name two) is that you end up doing a lot of waiting. Luckily I live next to a stop for a frequent service bus, but sometimes I end up waiting for like 15 minutes outside my work. For example, today when I was downtown I had to wait around 15 minutes to catch the MAX. I think the key is to plan to leave work at a better time so I don't waste time by standing at the stop.

Why you should take public transit: it's cheaper than driving, it's better for the environment, AND if more people take public transit it makes it more cost effective for the city to offer good public transit!

Today I spent $1.00 on coffee and $.85 on Skittles (I needed them). I didn't bring my lunch because I met with an attorney (being new to Portland I've spent the past few months having lunch, coffee, and "informational interviews" with established members of the legal community. The attorneys I've met are wonderful - offering helpful advice and contacts). Anyway, we had a fabulous lunch at South Park - a little seafood place by the South Park Blocks. While I do not eat seafood, I did have a very tasty warm spinach salad. The thing that impressed me about the restaurant (aside from its food) was that they use only free-range chicken and try to use only local ingredients, including locally caught fish. Portland is a city full of independent book stores, restaurants, bars, and coffee shops. Supporting the local economy and independent business is very important to Portlanders. It's one of the many things I love about this city!

Total spent: $1.85

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