Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I spent $2.25 on coffee and pop tarts at work this morning.

I will be spending quite a bit of money at the Vet on Thursday. There is something wrong with Sheba and I think it is related to her kidneys or bladder. Either way, she has been drinking an unusual amount of water for the past couple of months and I've noticed weight loss -- but not in her stomach. In the past couple of weeks she has urinated on herself as if she simply cannot hold it in or get up, and now has mobility problems. She can only walk a short distance and can no longer jump up on furniture. It's quite painful for me to watch my beloved Sheba and not know what is wrong. I thought at first she was just adjusting to Wink (my Boston Terrier who flew here from Kansas in March) or that maybe it had something to do with age (she's seven), but I realize now she has the signs of kidney disease or something similar. This morning she again messed on herself, and I knew I needed to call the Vet. Her appointment is Thursday afternoon so hopefully we will know more then. Fingers crossed and happy thoughts for Sheba!

Total spent: $2.25

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