Saturday, May 3, 2008


First, some good news: I start work on Monday! Hooray! I've had the job for awhile, but was waiting on my security clearance.

Anyway, so Day Two went pretty well. I walked the twenty-three blocks to the post office to mail something I'd sold on ebay (so spent $4.60 on postage) and back again. A lot of people in Portland bike everywhere. I'd love to get a bike but I will have to get over my fear of bikes first. I haven't really ridden a bike since high school and that was in small town Kansas - certainly not an urban area! I enjoy walking. My Boston Terrier Wink and I walk everywhere: to the library, to the grocery store, to the park, to the post office...everywhere. The nice thing about Portland and where we live in Portland is that everything is very accessible by foot, bus, or bike. When I start work on Monday I will be taking the bus to work. Admittedly, when I first moved to Portland I was intimated by buses. I drove everywhere - including downtown which was ridiculous because of the cost of parking and of course fuel. Now I try to drive as little as possible which so far is once a week when I volunteer at the animal shelter (it's an hour bus ride and a 15 minute car drive).

Even if you don't live in an urban area try walking at least once a week. Thinking of my hometown Scott City as a good example: I could have easily walked to the post office, grocery store, and even work (well, if I worked in SC) at least once a week. It's great exercise and a good way to cut back on fuel usage. THINK ABOUT IT!

Day Two also had its irresponsible moments. My roommates and I decided to go to the Cinco de Mayo celebration downtown (a CARNIVAL!) so I spent $10.82 on beer (and breath mints) for our pre-party power hour. This is irresponsible because I certainly don't need beer to survive or really at all. However, I think part of this challenge is proving to myself - and others - that leading a sustainable lifestyle doesn't mean you don't get to have a life at all. We only live once so we may as well enjoy it - so, take vacations, have a drink, go to the movies.... But, at the same time keeping in mind the importance of not being completely wasteful. So, while I did spend some money on beer I did buy a cheap beer and we recycle. We also took the bus downtown ($1.75) and ended up passing on the carnival because it cost $8 just to get in! And in a public park nonetheless! However, later I did spend some money on some snacks I did not need ($7.00) and let my boyfriend spend money on some incredibly spicy french fries we didn't need.

On the plus side I now have Reeses Cups in my freezer...mmmmm

Total spent: $24.17

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