Thursday, May 22, 2008


Wednesday, May 22nd:
I missed yesterday because I was just too tired. I spent $0.50 on coffee at work. After work Wink and I walked to The Cat's Meow on Hawthorne to buy some new cat food for Sheba ($13.29). Last week I went cheap with the cat food and bought Sheba Purina. NEVER AGAIN. There are certain things that are okay to spend money on, and one of those things is good cat food. The Cat's Meow only recently started carrying cat food and they have Max Cat. Sheba's seven now so I picked a bag of the senior food. It's not Natural Balance, but I've fed Max before and it's good food.

Adam treated me to Thai for dinner. Again, we tried to hit up my favorite PDX Thai place (My Thai Bistro on SE Hawthorne) but again it was closed. Maybe they are only serving lunch now? I don't know but I need my good pad thai fix. Instead we walked to a different Thai place that we hadn't tried and I had high hopes for, but the pad thai was pretty *shrug*. It was too greasy and there was too much sauce. Also I think I've eaten my last egg yolk. Fried eggs (unless egg whites) are too much and make the dish too heavy.

Total spent: $13.79

Thursday, May 22nd:
My job is mind-numbingly boring. There's no stress, no responsibility...only hours of boredom. Today I succumbed and hit up the vending machine. Peanut butter M&Ms are delicious, but completely unnecessary. I wasn't even hungry! ($0.85)

I had a cup of coffee to stay awake. ($0.50)

And a side salad from the cafeteria simply because I was bored. ($2.80)

Also, my dad may not be so happy to learn that I bought a day internet pass so that I could check my email on my phone ($1.99). Someday maybe I'll have my own phone....and that someday may come a lot sooner if I keep checking my email on it at work (and then blogging about it). Tomorrow I'm just going to leave my phone at home.

Total spent: $3.30 (plus $1.99)

Political side note:
Oregon voted on Tuesday. Actually, Oregonians have been voting for the past two weeks because Oregon uses a mail-in (or hand-in if you're late enough) ballot. In the big races, I voted for Steve Novick but he lost to Jeff Merkley for a chance to challenge Republican Gordon Smith in the Fall. I voted for Commissioner Sam Adams for Mayor and he won! (Note: Adams is the first openly-gay mayor of a major U.S. city.) I voted for Hillary for President and she lost pretty bad to Obama (especially in Portland) but that is not a surprise. Hillary's still my gal, but I think after the primaries are over she should concede. Not to say that Montana, South Dakota, and Puerto Rico won't go her way but that's like 86 delegates. She would have to win all of their delegates and then almost 80% of the superdelegates to secure the nomination. And even that leaves Obama dangerously close behind. The fact is that neither of them will have enough votes, but the other fact is that states like Kentucky are not going to vote democrat in November anyway. I think that she should stay in through the rest of the primaries because 1) she's made it this far and 2) EVERYONE deserves to vote. I think she should drop the Michigan/Florida debacle - or at least Michigan UNLESS she is in support of a complete re-vote. Unless she sweeps the remaining primaries I think she concede before the convention. While historically the convention was where the candidates were chosen, it's not until July (or August? I don't even know) and campaigns last a lot longer and are a lot more expensive now. Campaigns are not very sustainable.

I also think we should have a national primary and the runner-up is automatically the Vice President, but that's just me.

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